Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Okay I hope it is not a repeat...

Did anyone watch the "Golden Globes"?
Okay I was mad. I was so mad that I accidentally woke Tori up with my ranting at the television.
Paradise Now won the "Best Foreign Film" category; from the "nation" of Palestine. Here is the synopsis of what the film is about:
PARADISE NOW" follows two Palestinian childhood friends who have been recruited for a strike on Tel Aviv and focuses on their last days together. When they are intercepted at the Israeli border and separated from their handlers, a young woman who discovers their plan causes them to reconsider their actions.
Now, the synopsis doesn't sound bad. But, the problem I have with even the concept of this idea is that to me it is glorifying the homocide bomber. That the only way a Palestinian can find glory from the everyday PA inflicted poverty is to go blow up innocent women and children in a neighbouring jewish town. Even as I write this my adrenaline pumps a little faster. Everything is so one sided. I think the thing that bugs me the most was that the film was from Palastine...like it is a nation or something. They shouldn't have allowed that. It should have been from Israel, West Bank. But political and geographical correctness gets hung out to dry when it comes to the Middle East. It makes me want to cry. I guess this makes me a Zionist.

Anyway, I am hoping not to see this movie in this category again for the Academy Awards as this would piss me off big time. I wish that producers and writers would come up with better things then to invent "What If's" in regards to the Middle East and the people there. Movie making has hit an all time low.


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