Thursday, July 06, 2006

Super Gross

Okay I don't know if everyone is able to grasp at how large this spider is but it was massively huge. I was in the shower and my niece knocks on the door and tells me there is a tarantula in my living room. Now I know my niece is scared of spiders and so I figured that it was a little black fuzzy thing. OOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOO! It was so not little. I totally freaked me out to where I wasn't sure how todeal with it. So after climbing over my couch and walking as far away from it as I possibly could, I grabbed my desk trash can and just dumped whatever was in it on the floor. I have goosebumps just typing about it! Then as I put the can over it....I crouched down with it's body right on the floor like it was ready to pounce. Totally gross! I had to call the maintenance guy for our apartment complex and have him come and kill it. He brought this big like 2x4 and smashed it dead! Yeah Ray!!!! After he left though, I thought I was going to gag because on the wall behind the spider was all of it's guts and stuff. My gag reflex was kicking in hardcore and I thought I was going to barf everywhere but then I knew I would have to clean that too so I controlled myself.Anyway, I hope everyone can appreciate my little drama. It scared the snot outta me!


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Mrs. Sara said...

Oh sweet Lord, that is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my life. I hate spiders. I don't even like looking at pictures of them. It makes me feel all squeamish. I feel sorry for you that this monstrosity was in your home!


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