Israels Hope
This is a video for the IDF with music by Subliminal. They deserve all the respect we have.
This is a video for the IDF with music by Subliminal. They deserve all the respect we have.
Hello little blog! I see that nooone has come to see you. I am going to use you now and hopefully you will make me some moolah. Lets see what kind of magic we can do shall we?
For those that actually read my blog...sorry. I just haven't been in a posting mood at all. Plus I don't really have anything to post about. But I do now...
I hate this phrase. It always said after someone has said something that is mean and hurtful and they know it is going to hurt someone's feelings but they say it anyway. It was put at the end of some slander directed at stay at home moms whose wardrobe is restricted to sweat pants and things of that nature. To say that the comment hurt my feelings is an understatement. Don't say something mean and then say "No Offense", it isn't nice.
I got sent this email and I had to post it because it is SOOOO incredibly funny. How do we look at this and laugh and yet, when it is us.....somehow we don't see the humor? Well trust me, I am totally seeing it right now.
Time is just so elusive when it comes to needing more of it. Posting here hasn't been on the top of my list but we'll see what happens in the few weeks. The Fall Season of fab shows are arriving! Check out the super cool website Kendrah has created totally devoted to this falls shows
Eventually you should see some stuff on the site from yours truly! I am so excited.