Mission Statements
When we were in Ywam, we went through a lot of things...some good...some not so good. I am trying to find the good where I couldn't before. This leads me back to "mandatory meetings" that I had to go to. One of the things we had to do was create a personal and mission statement. Well, sufficed to say at that time and place I was not wanting to learn because of all the philosophy that was being taught that I didn't agree with. When we started doing mission statements it was another thing that just made me feel like we were limiting ourselves and what God may have wanted to do in our lives. Just another box in another box. Well, being away from that atmosphere I have been able to see things that they taught in another light. Not that they were right or that what they were passing on to us was right; because it was being passed down with an agenda; but with its original intentions. So I have created a mission statement for myself. Not that it will limit me to just the statement but it will help me focus when there isn't something specific that God has me doing. Okay...here it goes. Please tell me if this is too narrow minded.
" To be a wife and a mother that affirms everyones value in Yeshua through my actions, to be an intercessor for my husband and children and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem."
Now, I am not limited to this statement and it will probably change as I grow but, I think it will be a great start and a good focus point. I guess I am growing away from the bitterness in my past experiences and embracing them as another growing point that I need to learn from. If it were all that easy:) LOL